Typische struikelblokjes

  • “Is it sheep or sheeps?”
  • “I always get mixed up with mayor and major. Which one is it?”
  • “When do I use to, two or too. I really don’t know?”.
  • “I never know when to use practise or practice”.
  • “Is it real life or real live?”

Ik leg het u allemaal graag uit.

When I am working with students I pick up common mistakes that are made. Here are just a few:

most of the times”. Here we are talking about one moment in time, so we need to say ‘most of the time‘. For example: ‘I do the dishes most of the time‘.

“that kind of moments”. In this scenario we are talking about more than one moment so we use ‘those‘ and ‘kinds‘ because we are talking about more than one moment and different moments. For example: ‘In those kinds of moments I enjoy listening to music’.